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This agreement outlines the nature of the working relationship between the client named below and submitting this form, and the Rapid Transformational Therapist, Hypnotherapist  & Coach Haideh Tavackoli, and the principles, roles, expectations, and working arrangements for the duration of your course of therapy and/or coaching program. By making an appointment you are agreeing to the following terms & conditions.


Coaching is a partnership and collaborative process built on mutual trust, honesty, respect, integrity, transparency, and professionalism. The purpose of coaching is to empower you to achieve your desired outcomes and goals and maximise your potential in the areas of your life that are important to you.

The starting point for coaching involves reviewing your current situation in relation to what you want to work on, identifying a desired future, and what is holding you back from it. Working together, we will develop “action strategies” to help you achieve your desired outcome.


RTT works with the subconscious mind which involves a light hypnosis, to get to the root cause of a long standing problem and to transform negative beliefs and behaviours into a possitive, empowering mindset.

At the end of RTT session you may be provided with a transformational recording which will only be for your personal use and must not be shared, lent, copied or sold under any circumstances. For best and lasting transformational results, you should listen to this recording at least once a day for at least the next 21 days after the session, preferably before bedtime; however if listening during working hours please make sure to refrain from driving, operating machinery or undertaking any other activity where concentration is required.


The major difference between therapy and coaching is the focus of the work; therapy focuses on mental health and emotional healing, the origins of which are rooted in the past, while coaching focuses on setting and achieving goals, with a focus on the future.


As your coach & therapist, I will encourage you to take responsibility for setting your own agenda and ask you to:

  • Focus on what you want (not on what you do not want);

  • Make time for our sessions and be reliable in keeping appointments;

  • Complete the tasks and any homework assignments agreed in our coaching sessions;

  • Be honest and open in your conversations with me;

  • Be open to feedback and constructive challenge, as and when appropriate;

  • Be 100% committed to taking responsibility for your own development, decisions, choices, and actions, and take the time to participate fully in the program.


What you can expect from me is to:

  • Be 100% committed to empowering you and supporting you towards achieving your transformational goals;

  • Keep all appointments and be present for you in sessions;

  • Actively listen and help you explore your ideas, thoughts, beliefs, values, feelings, and behaviours without imposing my own;

  • Be empathic and non-judgmental;

  • Enable you to work things out for yourself;

  • Help you consider choices and options and decide which course of action is right for you;

  • Provide constructive feedback and challenge, as and when appropriate;

  • Enable you to establish what help, if any, you want/need and how you might access this.


RTC® combines the effectiveness of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) with Transformational Coaching. RTT® is a unique, powerful, and comprehensive, solution-based approach pioneered by Marisa Peer, one of the world’s most respected therapists, which combines the most beneficial elements of psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP).

As the client, you are guided towards understanding and healing past traumas through work with the subconscious mind, to help you remove the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. This empowers you to move from a place of healing to create a vision for your future and embed behaviours and actions which support you to achieve this.

Both RTT® and RTC® start from the position of providing clarity. The assumption in both RTT® and RTC® is that you as the client hold the intelligence, inherent creativity, and subconscious knowledge you require to succeed but need help in gaining access to that part of your consciousness. The focus may present in the past where RTT® provides clarity and changes limited beliefs. Whereas, coaching provides the vision for the future and my role as the coach is to inspire you with the self-belief and motivation you need to achieve your transformational goals.

RTC® brings together 3 core elements which include the Setting Up for Success (SUS) coaching model, the Rules of the Mind (ROM) framework, and the RTT® Tools.

These tools will help you to understand the root cause of your limiting beliefs and why you have held yourself back from achieving your goals and will support you in effecting the transformational change you want to make.


The RTC® Coaching Program is a six-session (up to 4 months), or twelve-session (up to 6 months) program (each session 1hr) delivered weekly, fortnightly, or monthly online via Zoom.


A single RTT package consists of a 1 hour session, followed by a 2 hour hypnotherapy session, a transformational recording and a follow up appointment 3/4 weeks thereafter.

Most often a single RTT program is enough to address a single issue of concern, however in some cases a three RTT session program is recommended, which may take up to 6 months. This package consists of 1 hour initial session, 3X 2hours hypnotherapy sessions, 1 hour follow up and 1/3 recordings.


This method is the most ideal and the most popular package which uses a combination of tools to address the Conscious and Subconscious mind. It consists of six coaching (1hr each) and one hypnotherapy (2hrs) sessions, for a period of four to Six months.


The dates and timings of the sessions will be made by mutual agreement and in advance.

Sessions can be rescheduled by either of us given at least 48 hours notice. In the event of a no-show or less than 48hrs notice, the coaching session may be forfeited.


All the information from our sessions is completely confidential and data protected and will remain so between us except in the following circumstances:

  • There is a life-threatening situation or if you, as the client, are an imminent danger to yourself or others;

  • There is a requirement to share information by law.

All notes are kept to record the key themes discussed, insights, takeaways, and actions agreed, to monitor progress and ensure accountability.

As your therapist, I will not disclose any information from the sessions with any parties without your consent. Your personal data is collected, processed, used and stored in accordance with the private policy and Data Protection laws of England and Wales.


A non refundable deposit of £200 is payable at the time of booking your first session. The remaining balance of the invoice must be settled at least 48 hours before the appointment.  Where payment is not received 24 hours before your session, the session will be cancelled. Session fees are for my time and professional experties. My professional charges are subject to review and may increase from time to time.

All fees & charges will be disclosed to you prior to any bookings.

Payment methods are disclosed on your Invoice.

Should you need to cancel or re-schedule an appointment, you must give at least 48 hours notice.

No Refunds will be issued for cancellations with 48 hours of in-person sessions, or 24 hours of online sessions.


We will be open and honest with one another about the coaching/therapy relationship itself.

In the unlikely event that there is a breakdown or conflict, inadequate commitment to the process, or lack of progress being made, either the client or the coach can request a termination of the agreement with one week’s written notice, in which case no refunds will be given for any sessions already attended.


As a coach/therapist, I abide by the Rapid Transformational Coach® (RTC®) and RTT Ethical Code of Conduct and standards of behaviour, and at all times will act with integrity, responsibility, competence, respect, and professionalism. During the course of any therapy/coaching sessions I will treat you with respect and not abuse the trust you place in me. I will use best practice at all times in our mutual interest. In return you undertake not to harm yourself, or any other person, including me, or any property belonging to me or to any other person. I will not conduct any sessions under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and equally you agree not to attend sessions, online or in-person, under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs, except those medications which have been prescribed to you by your doctor. If you do show any signs of consumption of alcohol or drugs, or demonstrate violent or abusive behaviour, I have the right to cancel the session and our contract accordingly, without refunding any payment already made.


Should you need to contact me between sessions you may do so by telephone, WhatsApp message, or email.


It is important that you provide an honest medical history and current medications to prevent any contra-indications to treatment. Please make sure to update me of any medical changes during your coarse of therapy, or if you are returning to therapy after a period of absence.

If you are receiving care or treatment from any medical healthcare, therapy practitioner, GP Doctor, Psychologist, Psychiatrist or Counsellor, you may be asked to seek their permission before any therapy sessions can commence.

Please note that I will be unable to provide my professional services if you suffer from Epilepsy or any form of Psychosis.


You must be at least 18 years old to participate in RTT & RTC sessions.  Anyone under the age of 18 years can only be seen in-person, accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, and provide their written consent.


The Agreement to work on the issues presented by you does not imply a complete resolution, nor does it guarantee the results or the outcome; however I will always endeavour to use my best efforts and skills to work towards your goals and intended outcome.


Under no circumstances will Haideh Tavackoli (Hai Tav Therapy) be liable for any damages, including without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential, or other damages, and lost profits, lost revenues, or similar, arising out of the advice or information provided to you during professional services provided by her. In addition you agree to defend, indemnify and hold Haideh Tavackoli harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages and expenses, including legal fees, arising out of your participation in the professional services.


If you have any concerns or complaints regarding your therapy, please discuss this with myself in the first instance and I will endeavour to resolve the issue to the best of my ability.


This Agreement commences once the form is submitted and will remain valid throughout the duration of the agreed program. By submitting this form you also agree to pay for the Invoice sent to you, in full and in advance or via an instalment  payment plan arranged on request following receipt of a deposit to secure the program, subject to its terms and conditions.

By signing/submitting this Working Together & Client Agreement you agree to abide by its terms and conditions. You the client confirm that you agree with the scope of practice offered by Haideh Tavackoli and that you give your full consent to receiving therapy sessions from her.

You the client confirm that you understand degree of results may vary from person to person and full resolution is not guaranteed.

You the client confirm that you understand that any therapy hereby received in person or on the internet is not a replacement or substitute for medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment and if you have any concerns about your health you should seek help from medical healthcare professionals.

You the client declare that if required, prior to or following any therapy sessions, to seek medical approval, you will consult with your GP, hospital consultant and/or other healthcare professional and gain the appropriate written approval.

You also confirm that you have accurately and truthfully answered all questions and provided background information during the initial consultation and will continue to do so during all subsequent sessions thereafter.

Insured by BALENS

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